Workplaces Archives


Skills-Based Hiring: A Game Changer for Job Seekers

By Telma Sullivan

Skills-based hiring, which focuses on a candidate’s abilities and competencies rather than educational background, removes barriers for many job seekers and helps employers find the best talent. Career practitioners can be invaluable partners in this evolving hiring landscape, guiding job seekers to communicate their transferable skills, identify their top talents and competencies, and increase their knowledge base.

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Teaching Transitioning Military About Interviewing: The AI Factor

By Mary Rydesky

Like most career processes, interviewing has changed due to the development of AI technologies. Knowing how technology impacts candidates’ interview preparation, interviewing, and post-assessment helps career practitioners (CPs) translate non-military hiring practices for transitioning service members (TSMs), spouses, partners, and veterans.

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Rethinking Work: Essays on Building a Better Workplace

Book Review by V. Casey Dozier and Sarah Pearson

This collection of essays imagines new workplace structures and policies that promote decent and fair work for all, especially the most vulnerable is society. This book offers thoughtful suggestions for innovative work arrangements, strategies for rethinking work life, and recommendations for institutional and systemic changes. Reflective analyses with unique solutions provide direction and context in a complex world of work.

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Empowering Mothers: The Benefits of the Professional Gig Economy

By Sarah Kelly

The gig economy has emerged as a viable option for professionals seeking flexibility, autonomy, and alternative income streams. For many mothers, juggling the demands of parenthood with a traditional job can be challenging. This article will explore promising solutions, empowering mothers to balance responsibilities more effectively.

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Working with Neurodivergent Clients, Part 2: Navigating Conversations Around Disclosure and Accommodations

By Ashley Cross

Disclosing a neurodivergent (ND) condition and requesting accommodations can be intimidating and challenging for professionals and job seekers. This article prepares career practitioners to assist ND clients in advocating for themselves throughout their job search and careers, expanding upon the concepts and best practices covered in Working with Neurodivergent Clients Part 1: How Career Practitioners Can Support the Job Search (Cross, 2023).

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Board Service: A Career Advancement Tool for Clients

By Laura Johnson

Board service for early-, mid-, and senior-level career professionals is a conduit for personal career progression, skills development, and leadership opportunities. This article emphasizes the role of board service in career advancement, outlines the types of boards and evolving skills required, and describes how career practitioners can guide clients in securing and excelling in board roles.

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Helping Clients Overcome Their Fear of Networking

By Kristen McLaughlin

Networking is an important piece of career development, yet an activity many clients may be reluctant to engage in practicing. Career practitioners can help clients overcome their fear of networking by creating a strategy that reflects their needs and interests so they can achieve success in their career goals.

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Implementing Retirement-focused Career Services in a Workplace Setting

By Andrea Updegrove

Individuals in the workplace today face retirement options that include continued employment. This article discusses workplace-based career services that can prepare individuals for this evolving nature of retirement, integrating career development theories and recommended practices to help make the transition to retirement smoother.

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Working with Neurodivergent Clients, Part 1: How Career Practitioners Can Support the Job Search

By Ashley Cross

Neurodivergent (ND) clients navigate and perceive the world differently than neurotypicals, especially regarding social nuance, communication, executive functioning, and sensory processing. This article explains how career practitioners can better utilize their knowledge of ND-specific traits to support clients throughout the job search and interview process.

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Assessing a Company’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

By Ruby Swann

In recent years, a company’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) commitment became a sought-after work culture by employees. However, the focus on company DEIB programs has begun to decline. This article outlines six elements that career development professionals can use to help clients evaluate a company’s commitment to DEIB.

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Helping Highly Sensitive Persons Navigate the Work Environment and Thrive

By Tiffany Greene

This article examines the significance of understanding highly sensitive persons (HSPs) in career exploration and development to help them thrive in the workplace. It addresses the traits of HSPs and their impact on work, providing insights for practitioners to effectively support this unique population’s career success. Strategies for accommodating and maximizing their potential to thrive in the workplace are discussed.

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Integrating Career Theories for Military Spouse Employment: Unleashing Hope in the Chaos

By Candina Janicki

Through integrating the Chaos Theory of Careers (CTC) and the Hope Action Theory of Career Development (HATC), career practitioners can empower military spouses. Emphasizing hope, self-reflection, goal setting, and adaptation, equips military spouses to overcome challenges, pursue meaningful careers, and navigate the unpredictable job market with newfound confidence.

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Positioning Clients for Success in Their Encore Careers

By Norma Dávila

Clients considering encore careers – professional endeavors undertaken while phasing out of employment into retirement or returning to the workforce after retiring – can find it challenging to take action when they are focused on their concerns instead of their possibilities. This article discusses how career practitioners can address those trepidations through coaching questions and strategies for moving forward.

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Helping Clients Navigate Their First 90 Days on the Job (and Beyond)

By Telma Sullivan

Once a client secures employment, career practitioners can still play an active and important role in their professional development. During the first 90 days and beyond, practitioners can support clients as they manage their self-care, learn new skills, build internal and external networks, and seek ongoing advancement in the professional world.

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Strategies that Guide the Mentor Selection Process

By Debi Ayliffe

A mentoring relationship can play an important role in guiding and supporting a person’s career journey. Selecting a suitable mentor is critical to ensuring that the relationship is beneficial and enhances a client’s professional and personal goals. This article shows how career practitioners can support clients in this process.

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How to Help Clients Combat Burnout and Feel Engaged at Work

By Kristen McLaughlin

Burnout in the workplace is on the rise, as employees face higher expectations and strive for a better life-work balance. Career practitioners can help clients combat burnout and feel more engaged in their work through self-reflection and strategies to lean into their strengths.

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Managing Up Includes Speaking Up

By Barb Girson

By speaking up in the workplace, clients can define their brand, refine their voice, and ward off “quiet firing” by employers. With preparation and practice, clients can feel more comfortable speaking up, whether it is to ask for a promotion, present a proposal, or express concerns during conflict with a team member.

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Helping Clients Get Their Finances in Order Before, During, or After Job Loss

By Kimberly Zimmerman Rand

When working with clients who have experienced job loss, career practitioners have a variety of resources in their toolbox to offer career support. However, clients may benefit from financial conversations beyond the usual salary negotiation assistance during a job search. This article provides tips for practitioners to help support clients’ financial well-being.

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Matching, Trust, and Symbiosis for High Quality Mentoring

By David Hosmer

Successful workplace mentoring comprises complex interacting factors beneath the surface. This article describes the impact that matching, trust, and symbiosis have on mentoring programs supported by an organization. Use the suggestions provided for creating and nurturing high-quality relationships.

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Helping Clients Incorporate Self-Care During Job Loss

By Vonya Hodrick and Elyse Pipitone

When clients suffer job loss, there are greater impacts beyond the loss of income and stability, such as the decrease of one’s confidence and the onset of grief, sadness, and anger. Career practitioners support clients’ career transitions, which include healthy daily functioning. This article provides suggestions for addressing the emotional aspects of job loss, including tips for developing a self-care plan.

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Using Career Assessment to Help Bullied Clients

By Dean R. DeGroot and Liz Willis

Workplace bullying is a common practice that harms employees and organizations. By employing career assessment strategies, career practitioners can increase both their own and clients’ understanding of workplace bullying dynamics. This benefits clients by enhancing their self-awareness and hope for the future.

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Helping Clients Overcome Obstacles to Virtual Meetings

By Ken Meeker

Virtual meetings are an excellent platform when clients are equipped with the knowledge and tools to use them. Career practitioners can help differently abled clients and others who find virtual meetings challenging to build their confidence in these platforms and positively impact their careers.

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Understanding the Needs of First-Generation Professionals

By Amanda Carcione

First-Generation Professionals (FGPs), those who are first in their families to enter professional employment, face unique challenges throughout their careers which can result in feelings of exclusion and impede the navigation of career ladders. Career practitioners have an opportunity to provide support for FGPs by addressing the challenges of these diverse individuals.

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Discover One’s Ikigai when Considering Retirement and Other Career Transitions

By Jocelyn Chan

Many employees view retirement as the great reward after years of hard work: a time to finally enjoy life. However, several countries with the longest-lived people instead focus on discovering their ikigai (pronounced ee-kee-guy), “a sense of purpose to life.” This article shows how career practitioners can guide their clients to find their ikigai.

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Sparked: Discover Your Unique Imprint for the Work that Makes You Come Alive

Book Review By Melanie V. Buford

Financial and social inequity, and the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, have challenged modern workers’ relationships with work. Jonathan Fields tackles workers’ discontent in his new book, Sparked: Discover Your Unique Imprint for the Work that Makes You Come Alive. This review explores Fields’ solution - the Sparketype assessment - and its strengths and limitations.

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Tips to Address Workplace Microaggressions

By Marie Haraburda

Microaggressions are a form of prejudice that negatively impact an organization and can happen daily in the workplace. Practitioners can coach clients to recognize and effectively combat microaggressions while promoting a sense of belonging, trust, and inclusion for all workers, impacting the organization in positive ways.

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Embracing the Reality of Trauma and its Impact in Career Development

By Paola A. Barriga

Career practitioners need to be aware of how clients’ trauma related behaviors may impact their career development. In order to create awareness and change, career practitioners can advocate for more workplaces to develop trauma-informed plans as well as determine when to refer clients to a therapist.

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The Importance of Internal Employee Networks in Career Development

By Melinda DiBenedetto

Internal employer-sponsored networks, often known as Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), have many benefits for individuals and organizations. This article highlights ways that employees can research and make the most of their organization’s ERGs for social connection and professional development.

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Getting Back In: Helping Relaunchers Return to Work

By LaShawn Randolph

Finding the right job after an extended leave can be difficult, yet possible. Knowing how to market oneself and how to find and use resources are important factors in making a successful transition. Career professionals can help Relaunchers build strong resumes, share resources, and break the stigma around career breaks.

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Executive Level Challenges Fueled by the Pandemic

By Bob Tiell

By virtue of being in a leadership role, executives face challenges of great importance for organizations now operating in crisis conditions, specifically the covid pandemic. Any organization going through an executive transition during a pandemic likewise faces special challenges. This article briefly touches on several examples of major executive level challenges that often have career management implications.

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Post-Pandemic Job Search Documents: Can Format Change the Negative Opt Out Effects?

By Gina Gridley

Many parents lost their jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic often because of childcare and school closures. Research has shown gaps in employment to care for children have negative effects on parents trying to reenter the workforce. Common job search documents with traditional formats have been preferred by employers, however research has not explored those with employment gaps. Could changing formats on the job search documents change the negative effects for opt out parents?

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Career Development Activities are a Key Contributing Factor to an Employee’s Commitment to the Organization

By Keli Bussell

Conversation over the past few decades has shifted the responsibility of career development from organizations to employees. However, recent research shows career development provided by organizations has an impact on employee commitment. Career pathways, mentorship, and training are three activities organizations and career development professionals can implement to increase employee commitment.

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Why We Should Care About It

By Ann Nakaska

The fourth industrial revolution is bringing great change to industries and the workplace. This article focuses on why the fourth industrial revolution deserves attention, what practitioners need to know about it, and how it will provide career opportunities.

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Making Sense of Skills using the Global Skills Taxonomy

By Ann E. Schulte

Skill requirements are changing so fast that most job descriptions cannot keep up…not to mention job seekers, career services providers, and employers. The World Economic Forum has recently released a global skills taxonomy to enable more efficient collaboration and signaling between education, employers, governments, learning providers and job seekers.

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What is Your Greatest Weakness? A TWIG May Help Clients SOAR into the Job!

By Sean Lybeck-Smoak

SOAR and STAR are effective interview techniques. The use of acronyms to explain the techniques contribute to their effectiveness because they remind clients exactly what they need to do in the interview while also describing how to create compelling stories. When answering the weakness interview question, the more effective acronym is TWIG.

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Gig Economy Jobs – A Good Fit for the Baby Boomer Generation

By Page Vincent

For many older Americans, prolonging or changing the professional window will become paramount. Yet the workplace presents challenges to workers over 50 years of age. How do we, as Career Services Providers, support this critical and growing population of job seekers? The “Gig Economy” provides great opportunities.

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Rethinking Performance Reviews: Implications from a Global Pandemic

By Sofia Kospanos

Work performance has been impacted by the circumstances surrounding COVID-19. Employers may need to consider adapting their performance reviews after this years' loss of “normal” work. As a result of the global pandemic, should performance reviews be different this year and how might employees be better helped to succeed?

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LGBTQ+ Microaggressions in The Workplace

By Jonah Friedman

The LGBTQ+ community faces discrimination as a result of sexual and gender identity marginalizations. This article examines the workplace microaggressions encountered by the population. Explored are coping mechanisms, workplace impact, and potential for career counselor intervention in future research and intersectional queer experiences.

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Reflections on the Past: What We Learned from 9/11 and the 2008 Recession

By Mason Murphy and Melanie Reinersman

It is easy to forget how career services professionals created a sense of reassurance after other world crises due to being so caught up in the present pandemic. Reflecting on the lessons learned in 2001 and 2008 is critical to assisting workers everywhere now and more important, moving the field of career development forward.

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Supporting Internal Interview Success Through Selling Techniques

By Carol Sommerfield

At times, internal candidates are the right fit for open positions and yet they fail during the interview process. This is a loss for the company and for the employee. Why do internal employees fall short in interviews and how can Human Resource professionals help them communicate their unique fit for a position? One solution is to teach employees selling techniques to help them overcome interview pitfalls.

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Navigating the Transition Wilderness: a Model for Coaching Veterans and Other Humans

By Paulette M. Risher

Career development practitioners are often called upon to support those in the throes of major life transitions. The nonprofit, Still Serving Veterans (SSV) uses an adaptation of William Bridges three-phase transition model as a framework for sense-making, dialogue, and action for their Veteran clients.

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How Introverts and Extroverts Can Survive and Thrive in the Virtual Workplace

By Jane Finkle

Faced with adjusting to the virtual workplace, introverts and extroverts can be equally challenged but may respond to this environment in different ways. This article examines these challenges and provides both types with tips on how to best cope in the remote world of work.

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Artificial Intelligence and the Future: A Book Review of A World Without Work: Technology, Automation, And How We Should Respond

By Charles J. Lehman

While the current health crisis is having a tremendous impact on jobs, there is a much larger, long-term threat that could, over time, result in a permanent loss of work. A new book foresees how this is likely to happen and how society should adapt.

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[Recognition Award Winner] What Career Counselors Need to Know About Refugees

By Shadin Atiyeh

In response to the negative stereotypes of refugees, the crisis in Syria, and the wavering commitment to increase arrivals to the United States, the career counseling profession has a role in advocating for and serving refugees. This article offers a background on the refugee experience and how career counselors can respond. [Editor's Note: This article was recognized by NCDA in 2018 for the author's contribution to the web magazine. Career Convergence is re-running the article in July 2020 in honor of all award winners typically recognized at the annual NCDA Global Career Development Conference.]

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Managing Through the Uncertainty of COVID

By Cathy Bamji and Donna Godfrey

COVID-19 has exacerbated and expanded issues already existing in the current age of remote working. Organizations with remote/tele-working employees from across industries have been dealing with fluctuating productivity, trust, communication, and resources. Pausing to look at the common issues and using some commonsense basics can put leaders and workers back on track.

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Supporting Clients during COVID-19: Role Expansion and Skill Improvement

By Jesse Brady

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, non-profit organizations that provide support to clients with a variety of personal and occupational needs have had to alter services. Career services providers can learn adaptive techniques and role expansion from their colleagues in mental health fields. This not only supports the clients but aids in all workers' career development.

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Exploring and Addressing Generalized Anxiety Disorder in the Workplace

By Eda Talushllari

Most recently, the population has been dealing with the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic. Due to the uncertainty and fear in the world from the Coronavirus, it is natural for individuals to experience higher anxiety levels. It is important for career counselors to understand the impact that anxiety and anxiety disorders have on clients to best assist them during this stressful time in history.

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The Role of Financial Coaching: Powering Up Your Career Coaching Practice

By Gale Hemmann

Financial coaching is an expanding field, and many organizations are pairing career coaching and financial coaching services to offer holistic support for clients. This client-led process focuses on helping clients explore both daily and long-term money management. Career professionals may be able to utilize techniques of financial coaching in their practice to provide additional support for their clients.

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Understanding Bias When Working with Multi-Cultural Populations

By Carlos Carter

One of the salient priorities of career services professionals is to understand the populations which they serve. This article briefly reviews implicit and explicit bias and how it impacts multi-cultural populations. Examining cultural identity helps career professionals develop an awareness of clients’ personal values, preferences, and characteristics, which is critical in serving diverse populations.

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Traumatized Populations in the Workplace: Strategies for Working with Clients with Trauma History

By Krista Schmidt

Close to 70% of adults in the United States have suffered at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. Many trauma survivors will have lost or face losing their job due to the difficulties they experience following exposure which may negatively impact their career development and adaptability within the workplace. Career practitioners can assist trauma survivors through several concrete strategies provided in this article.

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Opportunity Found: Chaos Theory for Military Spouse Employment

By Candina Janicki

With high unemployment rates for military spouses, creativity, open-mindedness, and adaptability are important skills. The Chaos Theory of Careers (CTC) considers that career paths are not linear and by utilizing CTC, career consultants can aid military spouses to develop a growth mindset and holistic approach to their career.

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Fair Chance Policies and Career Development for Ex-Offenders

By Janice D. Rubin

New rules have been written to give job candidates with criminal histories a fair chance at employment. Read how practitioners can help ex-offenders prepare for a job search in light of Fair Chance policies. Additional actions can help neutralize stigma and reassure business owners who are considering hiring ex-offenders.

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The Role of Career Services Professionals in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

By Ovan Oakley

Given the trends and challenges derived from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, workers need to be adaptable, creative, and innovative to shift into the 21st century world of work. Career services professionals may want to apply the Protean and Boundaryless career models to help workers succeed in the uncertain job market of the future.

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Being Effective in a Multi-Generational Workplace

By Cathy Bamji

Generation-related data is everywhere, calling attention to generational differences, motivations and drivers, with warnings of dysfunction. But pausing to reflect instead of simply digesting the latest story provides the opportunity to see that the answer lies not with the generation or age, but with the relationships cultivated.

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Women of Color Navigating the Career Environment: Using Male Dominated Strategies to "FuelForward"

By Vonya Hodrick and Vivian Blade

Overall, both men and women bring many skills, talents, and strengths to the workforce that are essential to progressing their career. However, studies on the progress of professional women show that women are often playing catch-up their entire careers. Women of color are even less likely to get access to the influencers and job opportunities that accelerate career advancement. This article illuminates the importance of strategic relationships in navigating the career environment, gender differences in relationship building, and strategies for practitioners to help women of color advance.

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Career Development, Vulnerable Populations and the Lens of Scarcity

By Elizabeth Robertson

The concept of scarcity addresses the perception of having less than you need and how that shapes choices and behaviors. In career development, scarcity has potential to inform challenging repeat behaviors witnessed with clients. This article offers practical considerations for nonprofits to guide coaching and program considerations with a lens of scarcity.

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A Unique Approach to Career-Focused Prison Reentry Programming

By Victoria A. Shivy

The career development of people returning from prison to society (reentrants) continues to be a focused area of research and practice. Prison-based equine-facilitated animal programming (PEP) is offered in many jurisdictions and, although controversial, may have unique effects when combined with more traditional reentry modalities. Results of a mixed-methods investigation of an existing PEP are discussed in the context of career development.

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What is a “Stay Interview” and Why Should We Know This?

By Jim Peacock

Stay interviews, as opposed to exit interviews, are being used by many companies to improve retention. Asking employees what is working for them and what could be done to help them, improves communication, engagement, and hopefully retention.

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How to Attract Millennials to Your Workplace

By Nidal Khaznadar

There are various critiques, myths, facts, and studies written about the millennial generation in the workplace and how they are reshaping the way we work, play, buy and even think. Yet very few leaders know how to approach this generation and attract them to work for and stay with their companies. Learning opportunities, social impact and feedback are the primary factors millennials consider when choosing a workplace.

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Integrating Three Toastmasters Concepts into Your Presentations

By Laura Lane

You probably make presentations to clients, students, colleagues, stakeholders... Are you making the best presentation possible? This article will explore three specific techniques and a resource for taking your presentation skills to the next level.

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Recruiting Gen Z Women into STEM Careers

By Leigha Compson

Careers in STEM fields offer competitive jobs yet women tend to be underrepresented. A review of the top career values of women and Generation Z reveals significant overlap, and many of the values align closely with opportunities in STEM fields. Strategies to recruit women into STEM are explored.

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Talent Management: The Crusade to Retain Employees

By Bret Anderson

Employees are organizations' most valuable resource. The Certified Career Service Provider credential equips practitioners with the tools to assess employees' satisfaction and employability skills. Through meaningful questions, employees are retained and engaged in their careers.

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Relational-Cultural Theory: A Social Justice Perspective of Career Development in the Workplace

By Lawrence L. H. Richardson, Tonya R. Hammer, Christian D. Chan

Traditional career development theorists rarely acknowledge the importance of relationships and culture. Relational-cultural theory (RCT) is a new perspective from which career development practitioners can work with their clients. Career practitioners may use RCT to explore critical issues that affect people’s career development in the workplace because all individuals have complex identities.

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Career Development Tools at Your Public Library

By Summer Greenwood

Public libraries have increased their scope of services to encourage collaboration, innovation and life-long learning within the community. Connecting with and utilizing your local public library will allow you and your clients to benefit from a variety of resources previously unavailable or only at a high cost.

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Navigating Changes to the 180-Day Rule for Retiring Military

By Stacy Hojnowski

Retiring military service members should be aware of the 180 day rule if seeking civilian employment with the Department of Defense (DoD) immediately after retirement. This policy restriction presents a new landscape to navigate when helping our retiring military clients.

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Best Practices in Working with Women Returning to the Workplace after a Career Break

By Pamela Weinberg

The job search process is typically challenging for women who have taken time off from work. Strategies, tactics and tips were used to generate a three-step process to help ease the back-to-work transition for women.

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Maximizing the Use of a Free Career Development Resource

By Janet Wall

CareerOneStop, the free resource offered by the U.S. Department of Labor, includes a wide variety of tools and data for career planning, decision making and transition. Knowing what is available and how the information might help is easier through the sharing of these case examples.

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When You Teach Job Seeking Classes, Weave a Fun and Delicate Tapestry

By Rob Seemann

A good job search instructor simultaneously informs and inspires newly unemployed adult students in the classroom. A long-time instructor of job seekers suggests following this ideal approach at the next non-profit workshop, which will build confidence in both the student and instructor. Because he has learned from his adult students as much as they have learned from him, he can weave a valuable class for all.

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Introverts in the Workplace

By Kim Finnestead

The purpose of this article is to explore how introverts thrive and react in the workplace. The traits and differences between introverts and extroverts will be explored, and the neuroscience behind each orientation will be outlined. The article provides insights about suitable careers for introverts as well as a discussion of the unique ways introverts contribute to the culture of the workplace, including leadership roles.

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Chaos and Complexity Theory Applied to Bullying at Work

By Nicole M. Amos

Bullying in schools is frequently in the news but workplace bullying is widespread and also needs attention. Environments impact the people in them and people influence change in their environments. This means small efforts can build momentum and lead to long-lasting and meaningful change. Employees and employers can harness this by implementing small changes that will make bullying unacceptable in the workplace.

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The Importance of Labor Market Information in Career Guidance

By Liana Jindaryan

When clients seek career assistance, they are looking for information about themselves and the world of work. Having quality information helps them make educated and effective career decisions. This article emphasizes the significance and timely availability of quality information in the delivery of career guidance and counseling services.

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Successful Integration of Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) into the Workplace

By Deb Blankenship

Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome are increasingly being hired in the workplace, often to fill positions requiring highly specialized skills. For these individuals to succeed, employers and co-workers must be educated as to the specific needs of each individual. This article is designed to help the career counselor educate an employer on the more common strengths of individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome and ways to accommodate them for a win-win employment solution.

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When Clients Seek Second Careers in Healthcare

By Allison Peterson

Healthcare careers are growing at a fast pace and are attracting many newcomers pursuing a second career. What career professionals and their clients may not realize is that several features of the healthcare workplace can present unique challenges to second career workers. This article addresses two such healthcare challenges, describes options and includes guidance for addressing these issues with your clients.

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Five Reasons AmeriCorps VISTA Could be a Great Fit for Your Client

By Elizabeth Matthews

Career coaches and counselors help clients navigate gap year and post graduate options, make career pivots, and discover encore careers. Read this article to discover the five reasons why AmeriCorps VISTA is a great tool to introduce to clients during the career exploration process.

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Preventing Job Seekers from Being Scammed

By Sandi Sibilio

Scammers are becoming more sophisticated at conning job seekers. Being scammed can have significant negative consequences. Career counselors can proactively help clients to identify the tell-tale signs of a scam before the job search begins.

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The Impact of Pre-employment Assessment on Wise Hiring and Employee Engagement

By Kent Noel

Pre-employment assessment, conducted ethically and thoughtfully, often results in companies and organizations getting it right the first time, hiring-wise. Additionally, this typically better ensures that those selected are also a good culture fit and thus more likely to be fully engaged from the outset.

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Great Expectations: Providing Excellence in Reentry Programming

By Staci Parker

As professionals in the field of career development, how prepared are we to positively encourage high performance from a group that has historically not performed well? Compared to the standards to which we hold mainstream clients, what are our expectations for diverse groups?

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What Career Counselors Need to Know About Refugees

By Shadin Atiyeh

In response to the negative stereotypes of refugees, the crisis in Syria, and the wavering commitment to increase arrivals to the United States, the career counseling profession has a role in advocating for and serving refugees. This article offers a background on the refugee experience and how career counselors can respond.

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Helping Employers Utilize Their Human Talent/Capital: A Case for Internal Labor Markets

By A. Nelse Grundvig

For businesses, the crux of solving a skill shortage is finding someone with the right mix of skills, abilities, and proven experience. This article identifies how employers can develop the talent they have by using internal labor markets and creating career paths.

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How to Accomplish Diversity and Equity Goals

By Yamonte Cooper

As career development professionals, we often discuss diversity. What tends to be missing is equity. It takes intentional interventions with measurable outcomes to create a diverse and equitable culture. The NCDA Committee on Diversity Initiatives and Cultural Inclusion highlights here some of our work within the organization that can be applied to multiple organizations and workplaces.

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It Takes a Village: South Dakota’s Collaborative Workforce Education Program

By Keley Smith-Keller

South Dakota has an innovative workforce education program which is a collaborative effort between private and public interests. This article describes the project and may offer ideas about how to do something similar in your state or region.

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Helping Individuals with Disabilities Find Meaningful Work Through Discovery

By Lisa Kelley

Individuals with disabilities often have a more difficult time finding the right job than individuals without disabilities. This article provides a brief overview of a process called Discovery, which career professionals can use to help their clients find meaningful work.

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Understanding the Career Development Journey for Native American Clients

By Jenna Crabb and Lamarita Vicenti

Little research has been done on how to effectively assist Native American clients on their career development path. The following article will address the career needs and suggestions for career advising/counseling the Native American client.

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Three Reasons to Connect with Your Public Library

By Meagan Kittrick

Public libraries are community hubs, providing essential job seeking support services and resources. This article provides three reasons to connect to your public library: learn about career services, resources and programs offered, share your knowledge, and advocate and link career development initiatives.

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Job Searching Considerations For Blind And Visually Impaired Individuals

By Mason Murphy

Clients who are blind or visually impaired encounter many unique challenges when conducting a job search. Those challenges can be hidden and external to the actual search process. This article is intended to bring awareness to factors that counselors may not have considered when working with this population.

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Employment Coaching for the Veteran at Your Door: Practical Insights from a Non-profit

By Paulette M. Risher

Career development practitioners may be called upon to coach and counsel some of the 10.8 million veterans in the U.S. workforce (BLS, 2016). The non-profit Still Serving Veterans offers practical recommendations on the veteran population, their wants and needs, and how to forge relationships of trust.

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Looking at Social Media From the Employer's Perspective

By Joe Bontke

Social media in the employment world is a relatively new form of risky communication. More employers are using the Internet to gather information about applicants. Using social networking websites such as Facebook and LinkedIn, employers can gain access to information that would be "off limits" during an interview.

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How to Build a Leadership Culture

By Dominique Jones

Leadership programs are common in large, well-established companies, but they are just as important for smaller, newer organizations. Halogen Software, an HR talent management software company with just over 400 employees, has a robust leadership program and shares tips on how your company can create a strong leadership culture.

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Career Support for Former Foster Care Students in Higher Education

By Christine Norton, Dawn Flores, and Naomi Valdez

Foster care agencies know that retention efforts are critical to prevent negative outcomes for former foster care students. Career counseling is an important retention tool to help provide direction for these students. This article examines the importance of career support to promote retention, graduation and financial independence with this population.

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The Benefits of “Spirit at Work”

By Rhonda L. Norman

Cultivating spirit at work fosters a focus on meaning and purpose in the workplace, and has resulted in positive benefits organizationally and individually. Inspiring leadership is an organizing factor that aids in the development of spirit at work.

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Focusing on Career Development with Inmates

By Amy Thul-Sigler

Assisting inmates with career development proves challenging for even an experienced counselor. There are additional barriers inmates encounter that prevent career opportunities. This article focuses on practical tips and resources beneficial for working with all inmates to develop skills needed for workplace transition.

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Establishing a Network of Career Support

By Gaylen Osborn and Dre Manoni

With a grassroots effort, workplaces can create a program where individuals showcase their career journey. This network encourages employees to create personal connections, pursue their career development and advance the company's brand.

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Internship Supervisor Training

By Cindy Lewis

Internship supervisor training is an understudied area. Many internship supervisors feel training is important and should be provided, but most supervisors fail to receive training except in the psychology field. This article discusses internship supervisor training in the workplace: the importance of training, who should provide it, and how it positively impacts the experience for all parties involved.

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Navigating the Federal Hierarchy: Tips for Attaining Employment and Career Success

By Eraina Schauss

Unlike many positions in the private sector, the federal government has a very specific and lengthy process it uses to screen and identify potential hires. Career services practitioners can share these steps and tips with clients so as to achieve a fruitful federal career.

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Supporting Transgender and Gender Non-binary Job Seekers

By Brandon L. Beck

Providing career counseling to transgender and gender non-binary clients provides unique opportunities. In this article, a few important questions to consider when working with this population along with some key tips and resources for career development are provided.

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Moving for Work: The Difference a Career Professional Can Make

By Jennifer Bradley

The globalization of work has important implications for career service providers. Employees who move for work are a diverse group. This article discusses their evolving needs and the implications for career practitioners.

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Corporate Careers: How Employees Get Stuck…and How to Help Them

By Mimi Brent

Why do employees in large organizations get stuck in their careers? Offering innovative career resources in the workplace encourages ongoing career exploration and increases employee engagement.

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Managing Your Reputation

By Jessica Merritt

Do you know what your online reputation says about you? If you don't, it's time to find out.'s guides are free and designed to assist people in managing their online reputation. Career services professionals are encouraged to quote these resources, link to them, and pass the guides along to other professionals who can benefit from them.

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Strategies for Helping the Hard To Employ

By Larry Robbin

This article focuses on strategies to increase employment motivation among people that are resistant to going to work. These individuals are the hard-to-employ. The article includes practical ideas that will increase their employment motivation.

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Establishing a Veterans Center on Campus

By David W. Edwards, Sr.

Establishing a Veterans Center on a college campus is vital to successfully attracting veteran and military students in attending that university. Four essential elements of the center include 1) the university makes it a priority; 2) the staff are committed to serving these students; 3) the VA Work Study program is utilized; and 4) constant communication between the center and the veterans.

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Time Management Tips For Career Counselors

By Robert White

Effective time management can be difficult for many career counselors who freely give of their time and resources in order to help others. If you fall into this category, this helpful article provides a variety of tips and strategies for improving time management skills and increasing productivity. [Ed. Note: This article was originally published in Career Convergence in 2010 and is being re-run due to its value today.]

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Boost Employee Engagement with Just One Role

By Mary Ila Ward

It is imperative for leaders and organizations to think about how to maximize talent in a way that leads to mutual gains. Implementing the role of career agent may be the key to flipping employee engagement statistics in a positive direction.

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Transition Classes for Veterans: Analyzing Outcome Data for Evidence-based Approaches

By Krysta Kurzynski and Seth Hayden

The NCDA Veterans Committee is actively addressing the needs of service members transitioning to civilian life. One suggested activity on college campuses is a veteran-specific transition course. Based upon emerging research, practitioners could contribute career development activities in these courses to develop engagement with this population.

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The Purpose of Career Counseling

By John D. Krumboltz

The prolific author, speaker and theorist John Krumboltz explains why he believes “career exploration should be a constant, thoughtful alternative.”

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Comparing Career Transitions of Midlife and College Student Veterans

By Heather Robertson

Military members were surveyed regarding their experience transitioning to civilian employment, life satisfaction and demographic features. Specifically midlife veterans and college student veterans were surveyed. Findings include a discussion of group differences and transition variables. Implications for career practitioners working with veterans are addressed.

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The HERO Method: Bringing Powerful Tools to Job Hunters Facing Challenges

By George Valentine

Are your clients facing roadblocks? Job searchers facing challenges to employment may need the HERO Method -- a bridge to see themselves, the employer and the job hunt itself differently.

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Competency Assessments Provide as Many Gains for Individuals as Organizations

By Selena Rezvani

Competency assessment is a critically important, and yet often overlooked tool for career development practitioners who work with professionals employed inside organizations. This article examines the under-leveraged advantages of competency assessment for individuals and its use as an effective career management tool with benefits that can help individuals in their short- and long-term career development efforts. [Ed. Note: due to the importance of competencies, this 2009 article is being re-run now.]

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You Can Be a Social Worker, Coach and Career Practitioner When Guiding a Homeless Veteran to a Successful Resume

By Brad Allen

This article is a discussion of how to guide a homeless veteran from the post-assessment phase of career development to the establishment of a solid resume. Positive results in this process hinge upon playing multiple service roles while addressing the housing crisis.

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Labor and Employment: 2015 Policy Agenda Summary

By Jessica Carter, Zach McGrain and Aaron Sturgill

The GOP will hold majorities in both the U.S Senate and U.S. House of Representatives as the 114th Congress convenes. This means a Republican controlled congress will most likely expend energy on executive branch employment issues. The purpose of this article is to inform and update the reader on several agenda items that may affect labor and employment in 2015.

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Avoid the Shell-Shock of Job Loss

By Louise Kursmark

Losing one’s job is never easy. Yet, career practitioners can help employees (and themselves) minimize the “shell shock” of getting laid off by following these suggestions. [Eds. Note: This article originally appeared here in 2012. Because of its value it is being reprinted now.]

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Organizations 2014: Reflections and the Road Ahead

By Bryan Lubic

Throughout 2014, book reviews and articles connected career development practices, processes, and ideas to the organizational side of career development. Here’s a review of the critical themes from these important contributions and a look at the road ahead.

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Job Skills and LinkedIn: Where's the Connection?

By Mike Parchinski

Industry-related LinkedIn groups can provide important information about the correct work skills required for a specific job. This article describes the author’s use of LinkedIn as part of a job search to indirectly interact with people currently working in a specific industry. The purpose is to show how a job seeker, particularly a college graduate, can follow a similar LinkedIn approach to obtain valuable information necessary for conducting a productive job search.

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Encouraging Career Asset Building Among Low-Income Individuals

By Amy Johnson

Urging low-income adults to "get a job, any job" and creating programming based on this position is shortsighted and leads to poor job retention, welfare cycling, inadequate wages, and greater costs than investing in meaningful career exploration and choice. Service providers may be interested in an online comprehensive career development program for lower-income adults that focuses on career asset-building . [Eds. Note: This article originally appeared here in 2006. It is being repeated due to its high value.]

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Public Libraries Providing Essential Support Services for Job Seekers

By Meagan Kittrick

Public libraries are community hubs, providing essential job seeking support services and resources. This article provides information on common career development resources at public libraries that may be available to you and your clients, as well as highlights how one library, Cuyahoga County Public Library, is leading this process.

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The Loyalty Effect

By Bryan Lubic

The Loyalty Effect is a management strategy that focuses on finding and keeping the right people--customers, shareholders, and employees--in order to create business results. This article explains why this approach is critical to career development professionals and for career management, and shows how to incorporate this approach to support career and employee success.

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Regional Workforce Development Success by Using a Sector-Based Workforce Intermediary Model

By Pauline O. Vernon

Sector partnerships are well-proven in providing positive regional workforce impact and are even identified in the Department of Labor’s new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act as an area to be promoted. Non-profits can play a major role in these partnerships, whether acting as a workforce intermediary or by providing specialized support services.

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Employee Ownership in Career Development: The Role of the Organization

By Steve Knight

Although individual workers inside organizations know that career development is mostly a “do-it-yourself” activity these days, smart companies understand the value of supporting employee career development for increased productivity, retention and employee satisfaction. [Eds. Note: This article originally appeared in Career Convergence in 2010. Because of the value of this article, it is being reprinted now.]

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Faith and Career Development: Complementary Tools in Reaching Teens

By Roger Wilcoxen

Could a career counselor and youth religious program leader use the same tools to achieve a faith-based, purpose-driven life? Yes! And these tools successfully reach teens. [Eds. Note: This article originally appeared in Career Convergence in 2007. Because of the uniqueness of this article, it is being reprinted now.]

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Emotions and Employability: A focus on the soft skills of women offenders

By N. Jonas Ohrberg

While incarcerated, women offenders have an opportunity to pursue an education and improve career related skills. Although programs available to them may provide educational opportunities, they often ignore the development of effective interpersonal skills. This article stresses the need for programs that will teach women offenders about emotional awareness and help them develop effective interpersonal skills. [Eds. Note: This article originally appeared in Career Convergence in 2008. Because of the uniqueness of this article, it is being reprinted now.]

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Advocating, Educating, Inspiring: The Expanding Role of Career Professionals

By Angela Londoño-McConnell

The role of social justice in career development is, once again, becoming a central focus (Borgen 2005; Arthur et al, 2009). Historically, career development, social justice, and advocacy have been intrinsically intertwined. The founder of vocational psychology, Frank Parsons, advocated for the poor and disadvantaged; worked against discrimination and oppression; and believed in justice and social change. But, does social justice matter? [Eds. Note: This article originally appeared here in Sept 2012. It is being repeated in celebration of Career Convergence's All Conference issue. See NCDA NEWS for more details.]

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Career Development Opportunities Can Be Found by Looking at Own Job

By Maggie McCormick

Ongoing career and professional development is critical for all workers today. Such development demonstrates initiative, flexibility and a commitment to one’s growth. Yet many workers aren’t sure how to continue growing in the job they currently hold. This article offers strategies for identifying development opportunities that are very close at hand - within one’s current job. [Eds. Note: This article originally appeared here in November 2010. It is being repeated in celebration of Career Convergence's All Conference issue. See NCDA NEWS for more details.]

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Military to Civilian: Assisting Transitioning Army Personnel in Navigating the Civilian Job Market

By Natesha Smith

The U.S. Army as well as the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has an active role in providing transition assistance programs to discharged or retired soldiers. Due to the stressful life of transitioning personnel, unanswered questions and uncertainty may be brought to the attention of civilian career practitioners. This article addresses such topics as culture shock, transferable skills and tools for exploring the market for the post-military population. [Eds. Note: This article originally appeared here in August 2008. It is being repeated in celebration of Career Convergence's All Conference issue. See NCDA NEWS for more details.]

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The Second Machine Age

Book Review by Charles Lehman

This well researched and wide-ranging book argues that accelerating automation will result in a second major transformation of society as great as the Industrial Revolution. The authors explain the processes well underway and the impacts on workers and work itself. They provide policy recommendations to handle the forthcoming challenges.

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Helping the Homeless

by Chris Hogg

Quite often, being successful in helping homeless people find meaningful work and start (or re-start) careers is as much about the counselor as it is about the client. [Eds. Note: This article from March 2006, is being re-run, in light of the value and timelessness of the message.]

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Offender Workforce Development: The Past, Present, and Future

By Imants Jaunarajs

One segment of the workforce comprises of ex-offenders; what efforts have been put into place to help these individuals, and what career development facilitators should know to effectively guide the successful reentry back into the world of work. This article will serve as a general guide to those professionals who have recently began working in workforce development or private practice.

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Future Jobs: Solving the Employment and Skills Crisis

Book Review by Pat Nellor Wickwire

Edward Gordon’s ultimate objective is to help everyone reconsider the choices we will need to make in order to successfully resolve the education-to-employment dilemma. As he writes in his book, “the time for action is today, before other skilled foreign competitors take away our future.” Career development specialists are well-positioned to understand, advocate for, and implement the changes Dr. Gordon describes to prepare and develop the workforce of the future.

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M-HRDI: Workforce Development Solutions

By Aaron Leson

Michigan State AFL-CIO Human Resources Development, Inc. (M-HRDI) provides employment and training services to unemployed Michigan residents. Although the organization offers a variety of services to its constituents, they have found the most success by focusing on providing business services to employers and by utilizing on-the-job-training. This article provides an overview of these services.

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Career Moves: Be Strategic About Your Future

Book Review By Bryan Lubic

This book effectively integrates sound career management principles and workplace trends with a professional competency model to provide an outstanding resource for training and development professionals to manage their careers.

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Find Your Federal Job Fit

Book Review By: Lindsey Marx

This book review analyzes Janet Ruck and Karol Taylor’s book Find Your Federal Job Fit. The book includes five sections that offer self-reflection tools and straightforward career preparation advice for the federal job seeker.

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Management Development Can Be a Captivating Experience for Non-Profits!

By Ellen Manning

As reported in last month’s Career Convergence, Quest, Inc., helps people with developmental disabilities achieve their dreams of going to school, having a job, living on their own, and experiencing summer camp. Through more than 650 team members, Quest makes a difference in the lives of over 1,100 people each day. This month, we will review Quest’s internal management development program, called Captivate!

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The King County Non-Profit Staff Development Coalition Project - Identifying a Need and Meeting It

By Cal Crow

For more than three decades, Washington State’s Center for Learning Connections (CLC) has been providing training, organizing conferences, and managing programs throughout the United States and elsewhere. Located at Edmonds Community College, CLC’s mission is to prepare learners to manage change and create successful futures. One of its most creative and successful projects is the Non-Profit Staff Development Coalition (NPSDC).

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The Landscape of the 21st Century Workplace: Emerging Trends You Need To Know as a Career Development Professional

By Caitlin Williams

Based on research in workplace and workforce trends, this series presents the eight emerging trends that career development specialists working inside organizations need to know. This article presents trends 1 through 4, describes each trend and provides questions, insights and ideas to help you in your work.

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Necessary Skills: Being Marketable for Federal Positions

By Amiko Matsumoto

Technical competencies are important for any job, but federal agencies look for additional skills in those they hire, such as teamwork and strategic thinking. Here's what federal hiring managers and HR specialists say are just as important.

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Live Your Life Like a Lighthouse and be a Beacon of Hope to Others

By Pat Schwallie-Giddis

Think about who has mentored you and or who you are currently mentoring. Whether you are involved in association or foundation work, or in the non-profit world, you can and are reaching out to others.

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Do Personnel Relocations Promote The Career Development Of Employees? Lessons From The Career Management System Of A Japanese Company

By Masumi Nagae and Yoshiji Ishikawa

After an employee relocation, how do work values change and what support structures are necessary for successful transition? How does their relocation experience affect their career development? We address these questions based on our research on employee satisfaction and work values in Japanese companies.

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The Patchwork Career of a Military Spouse

By Lori Cleymans

Military spouses are often told that they also serve alongside their active duty spouse, supporting their career throughout the years. This service often calls for sacrifice and for many military spouses their career is what suffers. Over the years the resume of a military spouse becomes a hodge-podge of jobs and skill sets. Focusing on transferrable skills and new opportunities can increase satisfaction.

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NCDA Plays Key Role in Delivering CDF Training to Persons who Work with Offenders

by JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey

NCDA's Career Development Facilitator curriculum has been adapted to train Offender Workforce Development Specialists (OWDS). These OWDS help prisoners plan careers, increasing the likelihood that they will stay out of prison after release. NCDA arranges the training of facilitators at the state level. Those trained in each state then provide training to others in their local organizations. In honor of NCDA's 100th anniversary, Career Convergence is publishing articles of historical significance. This month, our web magazine is reprinting articles from our debut issue in 2003.

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South Carolina Legislation Calls for Enhanced K-12 Career Guidance, CDF Certification

by Ray Davis

Current legislation in the South Carolina State Legislature seeks to enhance the role of career development as being essential to economic development, school improvement, and the present and future prosperity of citizens. Included in this K-12 reform is revitalized career guidance and counseling and career development certification through Career Development Facilitator training. In honor of NCDA's 100th anniversary, Career Convergence is publishing articles of historical significance. This month, our web magazine is reprinting articles from our debut issue in 2003.

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Making Your Move Into Corporate Career Development

By Paula Kosin

An ad for an Employee Career Consultant in a leading corporation drew over 300 applicants two years ago. Expertise in career counseling with an adult population is only one of the competencies that this job demands. If corporate career development is an area you might be interested in moving into, what can you do to be the best prepared and qualified candidate? In honor of NCDA's 100th anniversary, Career Convergence is publishing articles of historical significance. This month, our web magazine is reprinting articles from our debut issue in 2003.

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Learning Outcomes Assessment Step-By-Step: The Story Behind NCDA’s New Monograph

By Shawn P. Conlon

Throughout the long history of employee career development, one of the most difficult questions to answer has been, “How is my organization’s career development program impacting the lives of employees?” Through author interviews, this article explains how and why our professional association offers this resource to support the field of career development.

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Building a Successful Career Development Program: Three Key Considerations

By Carrie Tuning and Carolyn Kurowski

This case study presents three key lessons learned while developing and implementing MyCareer@VA, the premier, organization-wide career development program for the Department of Veterans Affairs. With incredible benefits for both employees and organizations, we outline the three key steps any organization can take to create an impactful career development program.

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Career Development for Transitioning Veterans

Book Review by Tracy Capozzoli

The reasons why transitioning personnel seek out individualized career services are varied and unique. This new NCDA monograph brings to light numerous career concerns and is an excellent place to start learning how to work with veterans.

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Career Retention for Vulnerable Populations: A Relapse Perspective

By Shan Johnson

In the United States we are facing economic challenges that make getting a job difficult but keeping that job even more crucial. This is especially true for vulnerable populations who can fall through the cracks of our system. Career counselors can benefit from the field of addiction recovery when assisting this population with employment retention. [Ed. Note: this article is being re-run in light of its timely and positive message.]

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Learning Outcomes Assessment Step-by-Step: Enhancing Evidence-Based Practice in Career Services

Book Review By Joy Evans and Phyllis N. Weatherly

Learning outcomes assessment is a hot topic within career development, particularly in higher education. The following book review explores a recent NCDA monograph on this important topic, including a detailed description of its content and key takeaways for all readers across niche areas.

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New Opportunity School For Women: A Unique Career and Education Program in Appalachia

By Caroline Francis

The New Opportunity School for Women located in Berea, Kentucky, offers a free three-week career and education program targeting low-income, middle-aged women in the south central Appalachian region. The intensive curriculum includes: job search skills, self-esteem, computer basics, internships, goal setting, and learning how to become enrolled in further education.

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Today’s Veterans: Using Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) Approach to Build Upon Their Career Dreams

By Mary Buzzetta and Shirley Rowe

This article will provide an overview of the challenges veterans face in relation to their career development. Effective application of the Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) approach as a foundation for assisting veterans in building upon their career dreams will be discussed. Specific strategies will be provided to illustrate how the CIP approach can be applicable to supporting veterans in their career development process.

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Five Best Practices for Cross-Cultural Mentoring in Organizations

By Rhonda L. Norman

The article highlights the significance of responding to a diverse workforce with an evidence-based career development intervention, mentoring. Mentoring tasks in organizations happen from two different but equally important perspectives, career-related and psychosocial. Traditionally, mentoring has been based upon a monocultural European male perspective, but the author highlights a need to contextualize cross-cultural mentoring from a multiculturally inclusive perspective.

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Working 50+ ---Getting Older Workers Back to Work through Community Partnerships

By Emily Allen

Right now, over 3 million older adults are searching for work, and many are dealing with the impact of long-term unemployment. AARP Foundation is working in concert with community partners to reverse the downward spiral that many older Americans and their families face.

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Career Counseling Trends in Rural America

By Cynthia Gurne

The role of the career counselor is expanding in rural America to encompass more of what we might normally think of as workforce development by adding tasks such as advocacy, planning, and collaborating. The career counselor is becoming an important tool in helping rural communities grow economically and expand their skilled workforce base.

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How to Dead Reckon the Job Market: An Army Ranger’s Job Search Story

By Andreas Lucido

Career counselors working with transitioning military can use this Army Ranger's advice directly with clients.

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A Strength-Based Approach to Career Development Using Appreciative Inquiry

Book Review by Shawn Utecht

This book is for counselors who are looking for a practical resource to help clients use their strengths to navigate a career development path. Donald Schutt, the author of the book, offers a detailed explanation of how the organizational Appreciative Inquiry approach is easily transferable to the field of career development.

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The Nonprofit Career Guide: How to land a job that makes a difference

Book review by Jennifer Ealey & Samuel Plonk

Career counselors working with clients interested in the nonprofit sector will find Shelly Cryer’s new book useful as a resource tool. This article reviews the book and discusses the potential value for both career counselors and those looking for a career in the nonprofit world.

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What Employers REALLY Want: Grasping the Unspoken Rules of the Workplace

By Steve Parese

Unconventional candidates often have difficulty finding and keeping good jobs, even when they have strong vocational skills. This article suggests one reason: individuals from challenging backgrounds often fail to meet employers’ unspoken expectations. It explains why this is so, and offers a number of straightforward strategies to address these issues.

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Reviving a Stagnant Career

By Tim Lutenski

Many people can lose enthusiasm and passion for work at some time over the course of their career. Career counselors can help both themselves and others rediscover both passion and purpose for their work by implementing several proactive measures.

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The Reality of Re-entry for the Ex-offender in the United States

By Lyn Wazny

Ex-offenders face many career-related obstacles upon release from prison. This article presents brief national statistics and some information about federal programs that were created to help ex-offenders obtain gainful employment. Also included are resources specific to the metro Denver, Colorado area.

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Resumes & LinkedIn Profiles: Powerful Positioning within an Organization

By Wendy S. Enelow

Career management is a lifelong process. The resume, LinkedIn profile and other career communications can be of value in that process, well beyond the job search.

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Management Strategies for a Virtual Career Services Program

By Barbara Reuper-Baum

What if you were asked to design a program that would provide a wide range of career services to over 60,000 people working in over 500 locations around the world—and told that you must do so without putting counselors in any of these locations?

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Manifesting a Champion Mind

By Danielle Gruen

It is more important than ever for career professionals to find ways to instill hope, foster creative thought, and maintain a positive outlook in both ourselves and our clients. It is in the mindset of the athlete, the "Champion Mind", where how to do this is understood and unveiled.

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Top Web Tools for America's Job Seekers

By Janet E. Wall

Given that our unemployment rate continues to flirt with double digits, we all try to find ways to help our clients and customers. Over the last few years several online tools have been developed. Here is a listing of what some consider the best tools.

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Personal Learning Plans: a Tool for Engaging and Retaining Talent

By Christy Ciezki & Nisha Kharé

Continuous learning has become vital in developing and retaining a skilled workforce. The challenge to organizations is supporting a diverse and evolving workforce in achieving learning and career development goals. ‘Personal Learning Plans' can be used as an organizational tool for the engagement and retention of workers.

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Gardening as a Tool for Career Development

By Nancy Miller

Strategies for increasing economic empowerment and job search skills are shared via an interview with a "hands-on" practitioner.

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Benefits of the Personal Learning Plan

By Nisha Khare & Christy Ciezki

Addendum to their April 1, 2010 article.

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The Personal Branding Process

By Susan Chritton

There is a lot of buzz in the market these days about Personal Branding. For many it feels gimmicky or like a slick marketing trick to once again make you feel like you are missing something if you don't have your own personal brand. The savvy career development professional knows that personal branding is neither a gimmick nor a trick, it is a concept that has taken hold and is being used extensively in the business world.

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How a Nonprofit Agency Helps Latinos Thrive in Adams County, Colorado

By Mariela Michael

This article will discuss the old ideas that Latinos have encountered for many years. Ideas such as Latinos are not interested in education, they cannot speak English and there are no supports for Latino adults. A program to help Latinos overcome many of these career obstacles will be discussed.

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The Association of Counselors and Educators in Government (ACEG)

By Don Hill

Learn more about the Association of Counselors and Educators in Government (ACEG)! The ACEG is a division of the American Counseling Association (ACA) and is comprised of counselors and educators who work with members of the Armed Services and their families (active duty or retired) and civilian employees of the Department of Defense and other government agencies.

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Another Career, Not by Choice

By Mary Probst

Recently the demographics of the unemployed population have changed, and more individuals who involuntarily lost their jobs due to a dwindling economy are now seeking new careers. Establishments like workforce centers, employment agencies, nonprofits and community organizations who serve these unemployed individuals have the opportunity to generate empowerment in the job seekers by identifying transferable skills.

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The Importance of Coaching New Leaders

By Lewis Lubin

One of the hallmarks of career success inside organizations is the ability of a new or recently promoted employee to successfully transition into a new or expanded leadership role. This article highlights findings and practices from Right Management, Inc. that help new leaders succeed through the support of "on-boarding" coaching.

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Your Year End Review

By Caitlin Williams

Before you toss away that 2009 calendar, consider taking the time to review your past year's work. As career development professionals, conducting a year-end review can help us reflect on what we've learned about ourselves and our own career development. Further, we can guide our clients who work in organizations through their own year-end review and use this information to help them design meaningful goals in the new year.

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Civilian to Military: Assisting Clients Seeking a Military Option

By Ted Hagert

In today's economy, many individuals are looking at the military as a viable option for employment. Here is a plan of action to assist counselors who are unfamiliar with the military and its vast career options.

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Guide to America's Federal Jobs

Book Review By Jennifer A. Smith

This new directory provides comprehensive information on finding, applying and getting hired in the federal government. The resources provided will be invaluable to counselors and to both seasoned and first-time federal job seekers.

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Perceptions Keep Businesses From Reaping Benefits Local Workforce Centers Can Provide

By Kristine Kinzli

Getting businesses past the negative perceptions of their workforce center and engaging them in the value saving programs are today's assignments for the workforce center professional.

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Designing and Implementing Career Programs

Book Review By Hunter Alessi

This handbook describes a process for designing, implementing, and evaluating career services programs. The intended audience includes those who wish to change existing services, as well as those who are initiating a service center or program within a business or school. It is a comprehensive resource that can be used as a reference manual or as a precise and directive guide for the development or redesign of a career program.

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Capitol Briefing: Mobilizing For Change

By Thomas R. Stowell

As Congress considers reauthorization of career and workforce legislation and the impact of newly proposed initiatives, we look to our members to advocate for issues important to our organization and profession. The Government Relations Committee provides support and information to aid your efforts. Members can dramatically impact policy decisions related to NCDA's legislative agenda through advocacy, education, and collaboration.

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The Introverted Leader: Thriving in the extroverted business world

By Jennifer B. Kahnweiler

In today's extroverted business world, introverts can feel ignored, overlooked, and misunderstood. But career development practitioners can help by identifying introverts' characteristic behaviors, understanding their key career challenges and providing practical career advice on their most common hot buttons -- networking, managing and leading people, performing in meetings, and more.

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Recruiter to Counselor: What's Different on the Flip Side?

By Stacy Smyk

My experience working with college students stems from two different perspectives. Initially as a college recruiter, I conducted events and used resources to hire graduating seniors. Now on the "flip side" as a career counselor, I focus on helping students in a way that integrates my knowledge of both employment and career development.

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Current Careers in Energy

By Helen Harkness

Experts share insights, opportunities and challenges for careers in this exploding industry. Employees and employers should take note, as we are just at the beginning of the learning curve.

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Uncle Sam Wants You!

By Karol Taylor

Civil service is again coming into vogue. Career counselors and coaches are being approached by clients seeking direction toward federal government careers. More and more students are requesting instruction on completing and posting their federal resume. Are you prepared to assist them?

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Bridging Employment Gaps: Strategies from a Military Spouse

By Stefani Schomaker

The frequent relocation of military families requires military spouses to use creative strategies for bridging gaps in their employment. These same tactics can be utilized by ALL job seekers.

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Working with Foster Youth: An Interview with Alfred Arroyos

By Maureen Nelson

Every year, 25,000 teens leave the foster youth system. Agencies like the Independent Living Skills Program help them make the leap to adulthood, college and jobs. Employment Specialist must reach out to this often-forgotten population.

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Policy that Moves Beyond Employment toward Worker Resiliency

By Natesha Smith

The advocation of public policy by career development professionals has primarily been focused on education, training and employment. However, for future progress in policy development, it would be wise for career professionals to play a key role in identifying strategic goals that emphasize resiliency and employability in workers.

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The Career Development Plan - A Quick Guide for Managers and Supervisors

By Jose Adolfo Trueba

Career development practitioners who work in organizations are often asked to help managers and supervisors find ways to encourage the ongoing professional development of employees they supervise. Here are some suggestions from a career professional, charged with helping supervisors and their workers to develop ongoing career development strategies. His idea of using a Career Development Plan may offer you a strategy for coaching the managers and supervisors you serve within your organization.

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Helping Our Clients Develop Their Careers During Times of Change

By Carolyn Wilson

As career development professionals, we support others in developing their careers in a complex and changing workforce. This article offers practical tips for coaching and developing employees during times of change.

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The Value of Servant Leadership Skills in Government Employees

By Darrell Norman Burrell and Brian C. Grizzell

In order to meet changing leadership challenges, government employees with managerial authority must seek skill development and executive training in Servant Leadership, which encompasses empowering, motivating, and nurturing employees towards collaboration, knowledge sharing, and team building cultures.

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Successful Performance in a Complex World

By Lori Bartels

Given that the work world is becoming increasingly complex for workers, it is imperative that career development professionals identify the skills that will enable workers to be successful in this ever-changing environment. This article presents examples of key abilities correlated with high performance in organizations.

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A Look at Restorative Justice: What Are We Going To Do With All These Ex-Offenders?

By Stephen Sisco

Unquestionably unemployment contributes to an increased rate of parole revocation, which is a major risk factor for recidivism. Professionals who assist ex-offenders in the search for employment must possess a comprehensive set of workforce development skills.

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Depression and Career Development

By Roger Wilcoxen

How can clients successfully establish a career or a change when battling depression?

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Welcome New Organizations Associate Editor

Dr. Caitlin Williams is now the Associate Editor of the Organizations Department of Career Convergence. She invites new submissions in the areas of business/industry, outplacement, career management, recruiting/staffing, and human resources.

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Welcome New Associate Editor, Non-Profit

Dr. David Scott is now the Associate Editor of the Non-Profit Department of Career Convergence. He invites new submissions in the areas of community/agency, pastoral/religious, rehabilitation, and association/foundation.

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Relationships: The Critical Enhancement to Systems Thinking in Organizations

By Maureen Nelson

In June, Part I looked at the consequences of not taking a systems approach to corporate career development programs. Now we'll see the advantages of the systems view and also a few ways to mix in the social structures that are the untapped power of organizations.

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Systems Thinking in Organizational Career Development Programs

By Maureen Nelson

Why aren't organizational career development programs working? In the first part of this two-part article, we explore the application of a systems approach; in part 2, we'll look at ways to leverage relationships. Understanding the integration of these two critical factors can help career consultants who work with organizations deliver more effective services and stronger results.

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Globalization and International Work and Study: A Threat or an Opportunity?

By Dale Furbish, Nancy Arthur, Suzie Bisson

Appreciating international transition from a holistic perspective enables individuals to prepare more appropriately for the numerous challenges and opportunities of such journeys. Career counseling that integrates a wide range of considerations is very helpful throughout the transitioning process.

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Contributors Wanted!

Career development professionals working in business/industry, outplacement, career management, recruiting/staffing, or human resources are encouraged to submit articles for consideration.

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Growing Our Own

By Denise E. Jenkins

A creative in-house career development program at a major midwestern metropolitan hospital develops and motivates current employees and reaches out to a challenging and diverse urban community. Denise Jenkins tells the story of how her hospital uses training and development initiatives to communicate to the whole health-care team that the hospital values them.

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Bridging the Gap from Job to Career for U.S. Veterans

By Jennifer Phillips, Jennifer Braud, Lindsay Andrews, and Emily E. Bullock

This article addresses the complexities of U.S. war veterans' career development. It addresses many of the barriers associated with this population including homelessness. The Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) Approach to career counseling is presented as a method for assisting veterans from initial placement to long-term career development.

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Getting Back on Track: How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself

By Pamela Thorne

Career Convergence has a gift for career counselors working in organizations: a free article for you to use in your corporate employee bulletin or newsletter. Help your employees who might be stuck in a career rut by sharing this sound advice. (Please include the citation found at the end when reprinting this article).

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Win-Win-Win Mentoring: Five Steps Towards Exemplary Mentorships

By Christine D. Hegstad

Mentoring enhances morale, boosts productivity, and offers rich opportunities for career development at minimal cost. Done poorly, however, mentoring can prove detrimental to participants as well as an organization. Implementing these five steps will help to ensure mentors, proteges, and organizations all benefit.

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4-Hour Workweek

Book Review by Markell R. Steele

The quest for work/life balance is of great concern to most career development professionals, not only as a means of self-care, but also to serve as a positive role-model for our clients. This review showcases the main ideas presented in Ferriss' book, and Steele offers insight as to how these suggestions improved her own career efficiency and satisfaction.

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Try-Decide-Attitude: Successful Responses to the Job Search

Book Reviews by Karol Taylor

Since so many job seekers seem discouraged and overwhelmed, particularly those in State and Federal One Stops and Rapid Response agencies, resources such as these motivational pocket books are a valuable tool.

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Knowledge + Engagement = Great Public Policy

by Bridget Brown and Romella Lee

In this third in a series of advocacy-related articles, Bridget Brown and Romella Lee from NCDA’s Government Relations Committee, address the important role that state-level association leaders play in educating members and facilitating a clear vision for the association. They discuss how career professionals operating in the public sector can use public policy as a tool to enhance engagement at the state level.

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Why Government Managers Need to Develop Critical Thinking Skills

By Asila Safi and Darrell Norman Burrell

Evolving leadership challenges like succession planning in government, international cultural genocide, and international terrorism have made decision making for government managers very tough with extreme implications. All government managers need to develop and utilize critical thinking skills. The engagement in managerial critical thinking is about learning to overcome and become self aware of biases, false assumptions, myths, and faulty paradigms that can hamper effective decision making.

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Trends in HR: A Career Counselor's Perspective

By Maureen Nelson

How do you see HR? Gatekeepers or important network contacts? When career counselors and HR professionals develop mutual respect, a cross-pollination can occur that benefits both groups. Maureen Nelson discusses two trends in the HR world that career counselors should be aware of.

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Care for Yourself First

by Pam Thorne

People who help others for a living often put themselves last when it comes to mental and physical health. This article highlights the symptoms of compassion fatigue and offers some simple solutions. (Ed's Note: This article originally appeared in Career Convergence in 2003 and is being published again due to the valuable and timeless topic).

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Career Development for People with Psychiatric Disabilities

By Janice D. Rubin

This article outlines the career development strategies and approaches that have been successful in identifying career areas and employment opportunities for people with psychiatric disabilities. Strategies offered are especially helpful to practitioners who work with state vocational rehabilitation offices.

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Call for Articles

David Harden, Organizations Associate Editor

Tell us about your experience in business/industry, outplacement, career management, recruiting/staffing, and/or human resources.

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Teach Job Search Skills with Improv

By Andy Wainer

The use of Improv techniques in career counseling can add some fun to learning job search skills. Relevant Improv techniques are suggested for many of the skills clients need to engage in career exploration and conduct a successful job search. Best of all, it benefits clients in a variety of settings - from One-Stops to students to private practice.

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Addressing New Veterans' Employment Needs with e-Tools

By Denise Felder

Veterans returning home after recently serving in the Middle East face many adjustments, including career planning. This article details a few of the Department of Labor's online resources available to recently separated military personnel, their families and the career counselors assisting them in finding information about job searching, career development and post-secondary education.

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The Horse Whisperer Goes to Washington

By Bridget Brown & Ellen Weaver Paquette

The "Horse-Whisperer" image provides an excellent visualization of how advocacy works. In this second in a series, Bridget Brown and Ellen Weaver
Paquette continue discussing the importance of advocacy at the state and national level for programs that enhance career development opportunities for all citizens.

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Advocacy Myths and Opportunities

by Bridget Brown

This is the first installment in a series of articles providing an insider’s view of some of the misconceptions associated with advocacy. Bridget Brown, from NCDA’s Government Relations Committee, highlights specific tools to help career development professionals working in non-profit organizations become active in the political arena.

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An Organization That Keeps 'Em Comin' Back

by Piper C. Reason and Barbara L. Warren

Career coaches are subject to the same job-retention factors as everyone else. In this article, two professional career coaches explore the reason that employees within their small, nonprofit program not only stick around longer than the average employee, but return after leaving.

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The Career Readiness Certificate: An Economic Success Story

by Barbara Bolin

The Career Readiness Certificate is fast becoming a national portable skills credential. Based on three WorkKeys assessments, it is filling an important role in our education / training system. The Career Readiness Certificate objectively certifies applied skills and trainability so it is particularly valuable to exiting CTE high school students. The Consortium now consists of 43 states, and close to 60,000 Certificates have already been issued.

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The Presidential Management Fellowship Internship Program

by Darrell Norman Burrell

In the aftermath of 9/11 and the events of Hurricane Katrina, the need for people with advanced degrees and fresh ideas has never been more important in the management ranks of government. The article discusses the Presidential Management Fellowship Internship Program which is a little known option for getting into government on a fast-track to senior management jobs.

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Career Negotiations: Power Tools to Use

by Joni Daniels

Plug in your power tools before engaging in a job remodeling. When you manage career negotiations well, you and your organization will be pleased with the results.

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Career Development Services Within Maryland Correctional Educational Facilities

by Diana M. Bailey

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) manages and delivers correctional education services "behind the fence". The article provides statistics on the need for services and the outcome of services offered for Maryland's incarcerated population.

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Our Point of View: It is Better to Volunteer!

by Sue Pressman and Tanya Bodzin

The authors offer insight into governmental consulting opportunities. They suggest that it is better to volunteer one's services than do disservice to the counseling profession by accepting low compensation rates. Finally, they make recommendations for raising the compensation bar for the career counselor.

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Forming A Career Center-Community Bond

by Ursula B. Carmena

What goes together like toast and jam or sea and sand? How about careers and community? At the 2006 NCDA Global Conference, Ursula B. Carmena will be presenting the unique pilot project she directs, a new public library service that enlarges and supplements the field of career development in Louisiana.

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Quality Standards For Career Centers?

by Howard Splete and Bill Freed

NCDA has supported professional standards for career development service providers, as Nationally Certified Career Counselors (NCCC) and Global Career Development Facilitators (GCDF) . What have we done to promote similar professional standards for the organization and administration of career centers and their programs? Are they needed?

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Bullying in the Workplace

by Sherry Rossiter

A recent study suggests that 20% of all employees, at all levels, become targets for bullying behavior in the workplace each year. Dr. Sherry Rossiter reviews the types of workplace bullying that occur and suggests strategies for coaching our career clients who are, or who have been, its victims.

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Springboard Forward: Engagement, Self-Efficacy and Hope

by Maureen Nelson

Springboard Forward partners with employers and community-based organizations to improve job performance and promote upward mobility for the low-wage workforce.

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Making the Leap from Counselor to Selection Specialist

by Kent Noel

Making the transition from counselor to evaluator is not always an easy one. However, a career in selection can be quite rewarding if a counselor can get past initial reservations and misconceptions. The following may help demystify the process and shed selection in a more positive light.

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Career Counselors as Forensic Experts

by Michael Shahnasarian

Qualified career counselors, retained in litigation as expert witnesses, can offer analyses that facilitate just resolution of disputes. This article describes the types of disputes in which career counselors; insights are germane and outlines processes to conduct earning capacity assessments. Career counselors are cautioned about the perils of expert witness consulting: opposing lawyer deception, manipulation, and bullying - the antithesis of counselor training and raison de etre - are the rule of the day in forensic settings.

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Human Resources From the Inside Out

Book review by Sally Gelardin

No other profession is so closely related to career advising as Human Resources: Figuratively speaking, we "mirror image" one another. Dr. Sally Gelardin reviews a new book that can be a field guide to the mysteries of the HR profession for the beginning career counselor, and even for the veteran.

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Get Hired! How to Land the Ideal Federal Job and Negotiate a Top Salary

Book Review by Janet Ruck

Have you tried to help your clients wind through the maze of the federal hiring process? If so, you know that Uncle Sam is not a benevolent recruiter. Lily Whiteman has tackled this challenge and provided counselors with a valuable resource.

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Using Motivational Interviewing in Career Counseling

by Geri Miller

Motivational Interviewing (MI), a strategy developed in a very different context, also has a place within the framework of career counseling. Specific, practical suggestions on how to apply Motivational Interviewing approaches are provided.

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Re-Thinking What We Say About a Former Boss

by Alan Rider

One of the persistent and vexing challenges during a traditional behavioral interview is the “boss question.” Many career clients have had unhappy experiences with problem employers, and want to be able to answer the inevitable “boss question” truthfully, but at the same time also effectively. Can it be done?

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Turning Clients' Bad Luck Into Good

Book review by Barry Davis

Career development professionals frequently find themselves sitting across the desk from "unlucky" people who have just lost their jobs, or are facing career crisis. Barry Davis reviews a book that provides insight and interventions that can be helpful in coaching and motivating client turn-arounds, from bad luck to career success.

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The Importance of Self-Marketing

by Janet M. Ruck

Emphasizing accomplishments rather than just listing skills, can be an effective form of self-marketing that federal employees can use.

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Peanut Butter and Jelly Management

Reviewed by Kathy Kaysen Murzyn

In this book the reviewer found a pleasant, refreshing look at the intersection between guiding a family, being a leader, and managing people in the workplace. Her experience, both as a manager and as a parent, made her curious about the relationship between parenting children and coaching in organizations.

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Competency Based Workshops Help Internal Revenue Service Employees Manage Their Careers

by Dan Vale

IRS career management workshops help employees maximize their career potential, and facilitate the achievement of the IRS strategic goals of retention and reorganization. These workshops form an integral part of the career development services the IRS offers its employees.

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A Look at Career Development for Persons with Mental Retardation

by John Wadsworth PhD and Karen Cocco PhD

Despite the popular view that career development is lifelong, vocational development theories have seldom been applied to persons with mental retardation. A proposed ecological model of career development for persons with developmental disabilities is discussed here. [Eds. Note: this article originally appeared here in Jan. 2003].

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Forget Your Troubles, C'mon Get Happy!

by Barry Davis

Happiness is often a lost commodity when someone is in the throes of job loss or career change. Martin Seligman's work titled "Learned Optimism" provides practical advice for improving our results in career development by understanding how to be more positive, even when we don't feel like it!

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Competitive Sourcing: Crisis and Opportunity

by Janet M. Ruck

Competitive sourcing (also known as public-private competition for work currently preformed by federal employees) is intended to spur the government to work more efficiently and ensure that taxpayers are receiving the best service at the most reasonable cost. For the federal employees whose functions have been identified as those that could be performed by the private sector it means turmoil, anxiety and often, loss of federal status.

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Unsuccessful Managers - Typing and Coaching

by Kent Noel

Many individuals want to make the leap to management, but not all will succeed. Those who fail tend to fall back on stylistic preferences that worked well for them in past roles. These individuals often find themselves being referred for coaching; and during the course of consultation, patterns frequently emerge. Awareness is often the important first step in moving from unsuccessful to successful.

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The Career Readiness Certificate: New Resource for Job Seekers and Employers

by Barbara Bolin

Since it's inception in 2003, the Career Readiness Certificate Consortium has grown to include 37 states. The Certificate is fast becoming a national credential because of its benefits to employers and employees.

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Managing Client Expectations

by Sunitha Narayanan

Webster's defines "disappointment" as an expectation that goes unfulfilled, a situation to which career advisors are far from immune. Sunitha Narayanan has consulted with many hard-to-place job seekers going through relocation and cultural shift. She shares three brief case studies involving client disappointment, and what she learned through them.

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People with Disabilities: Exploring Self-Employment as a Career Option

by Greg Wimer

Entrepreneurship is an exciting way for people with disabilities to realize their full potential while becoming financially self-supporting.

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Making Mentoring an Organizational Value: A Look at the FDIC's Mentoring Program

by Barbara Suddarth

This article about a formal, workplace mentoring program is the first of two rendered by members of the NCDA Mentoring Program committee. The second, to be published later this year, will focus specifically on NCDA's Mentoring Program, now one year old. For further information about NCDA's Mentoring Program, go to and link to the Mentoring Program under Membership.

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The One-Stop Career Center: A Resource For Job Seekers

by Marjorie Hendrickson

The Workforce Investment Act delineates basic principles to guide service delivery to employers, their employees and job seekers through local One-Stop Career Centers. This article includes a brief background of the Workforce Investment Act and how the One-Stop system delivers career services to communities.

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Knowledge Nomads and the Nervously Employed

Book Review by Sally Gelardin

Lifework success, according to Feller and Whichard, is "how we live, and who we've helped, not what we have." The authors inspire career professionals to guide their clients to make successful work and life choices that contribute to the world's well-being. To achieve this result, they advocate lifelong learning, meaningful work, and purposeful living amidst a rapidly changing work climate. Read on to find out how to help clients achieve this result.

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Tips on Understanding Federal Vacancy Announcements and Applying for Federal Jobs

by Elda Schwartz

The tips provided in this article are intended to simplify the federal application process by helping applicants understand how to decipher a vacancy announcement and prepare a well-written application package that will lead to a job interview.

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Reaching for Our Deep Gladness

by Ron Elsdon

A challenging and important question to ask of ourselves and our organizations is "What do we mean by success?" Is success defined more by extrinsic monetary factors, or by intrinsic factors such as value, purpose and social contribution that constitute our deep gladness? This article explores these questions from personal and organizational perspectives, and draws out implications for career counselors.

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Career Development Strategies for Promoting Employee Development and Retention in Social Service Org

by Debbie Walker

Social service organizations represent an opportunity for career counselors who are interested in consulting. Career counselors can help agencies implement career development programs as an employee retention and development strategy. In this article, the author presents a three-step model for initiating such a system.

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A Layoff Sparks Dreams

by Michael Levy

Florida-based Career Coach Michael Levy relates a recent experience he had while leading a transformational seminar for a group of insurance professionals. Putting the participants back in touch with long-forgotten interests and dreams turned a sad experience into a source of creative possibilities.

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A Day in the Life of a Delegate

by Amy Benedict-Augustine

Eleven days in the life of this counselor were spent in China as a delegate with the People to People Ambassador program. All counselors should accept invitations to participate in unique professional development activities.

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New Developments in Federal Employment

by Elda Schwartz

More jobseekers are looking to the federal government as an employer of choice. People are realizing that there is more to federal employment that is appealing in this post 9/11 era in which there is a reawakening of interest in public service. Excellent federal benefits and regular working hours are appealing to people wanting to balance family and work life.

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The Pre-Counseling Assessment

by Martin Elliot Jaffe

InfoPLACE is a public library based career planning program where adults can get help deciding if they are leaning toward a radical career transition or an immediate job search. The career counselors at InfoPLACE developed the Core Adult Career Transition Inventory, CACTI, to indicate the appropriate depth and direction of counseling before sessions begin.

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The O'NET System for Career Development Professionals

by Janet Wall

The US Department of Labor has produced a comprehensive, dynamic, and high-quality system of occupational information and supporting tools. These are available without cost to career development and workforce practitioners and researchers.

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A Day in the Life of a Career Materials Developer

by Marilyn Maze

A Career Materials Developer describes how she develops computerized career planning materials utilizing knowledge of career counseling with skills in data analysis, labor market analysis, and computer program design. The tasks involve identifying the most relevant career information, arranging that information to be useful to clients, and determining how a computer can make life easier for clients who need that information.

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The Internal Revenue Service Creates New Career Management Tool

by Daniel Vale

The Career Advancement and Progression Guide (CAP) is a tool used by IRS managers, employees and personnel services representatives to help plan employees' career progression and to facilitate overall IRS workforce planning. CAP includes diagrams of employees' most likely career path options and other vital information about various job series and career paths.

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Identifying Entrepreneurs Through Assessment

by Kent Noel

For any individual hoping to determine if he or she is cut out to be an entrepreneur, formalized upfront assessment can be extremely useful. Career consultant Kent Noel notes that multiple data point assessment can shed considerable light on characteristics common among entrepreneurs: Personality fit, drive, problem solving, and motivation.

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Do You Have What It Takes? Marathon Interviewing Tips

by Michael S. Levy

A job interview and a 26-mile marathon both require stamina, endurance, excellent mental and physical shape, and the clear headed thinking required to survive the stress. Creatively comparing the two, Michael Levy notes similarities in preparation and practice, which are essential both to a marathon runner reaching the finish line and to coming out a winner with effective interviewing.

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"A Day in the Life" of a Career Counselor at a US-accredited University Abroad

by Danielle Savage

This first person account of the work of a Career Counselor at The American University of Paris gives insight into the similarities and differences of the profession worldwide. A description of her career path also reveals future options for current students.

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Letting Go of the Corporate Agenda; "Finding Yourself" in Small Business

by Robert E. Reuter

Our clients frequently decide well into their careers to leave the security of their corporate homes to pursue independent businesses. Major challenges and adjustments accompany this decision that are not always obvious or understood until experienced. Career development consultant Bob Reuter shares some learnings from his own experience to help smooth the way for clients who come for help in making this transition.

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Mastering the Employer's One-Minute Screen Test

by Steve Stromp

Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto first suggested the well-known 80/20 rule in 1906: That 80% of an organization's productive output is generated with just 20% of its time, talent, and resources. Career coach Steve Stromp observes that in business settings the rule is equally valid during job interviews.

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Distance Counseling Methods & Tele-counseling Approach for Employee Development

by Alice Rush

This article includes the following information:
-Why Distance Career Counseling can be useful in corporate career counseling and employee development.
-Methods, typical duration and overview of distance counseling process.
-Assessment tools utilized and follow up strategies.
-Unique perspective designed to inspire and encourage counselors to expand their experience in this emerging area of counseling.

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Career Counseling is a Valuable Benefit for Employees

by Linda Ginac

Preserving employee commitment to company goals despite organizational instability is paramount. Organizational changes may cause your employees to experience career challenges that could affect their success at the company. Career counseling is a resource that employers can rely on when work performance, career transition or cultural fit becomes an issue.

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Effectiveness of Short-Term Training for Self-Sufficiency

by Michael E. Wonacott

This article reviews the literature on the outcomes of short-term training programs for welfare recipients and the services required to meet the self-sufficiency needs of welfare recipients participating in short-term training.
[This article was released for publication by Eric Digest ( and is available at].

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Sales Selection, Assessment, and the Career Counselor

By Kent Noel

This article discusses the advantages of using formalized assessment in the selection of qualified salespeople. Because it touches on cost and quality issues, career counselors could present this sound rationale to their corporate clientele.

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The Education, Social, and Economic Value of Informed and Considered Career Decisions

by Bridget Brown

This ACRNA special report includes the complete Summary of Key Findings, a link to the ACRNA website for the full report, and a brief overview by the Executive Director.

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The Internal Revenue Service is Reaching Beyond the "Horizons" with Mentoring Opportunities

by Judith L. Button

Are you looking for a chance to introduce adult learning principles that excite, educate and motivate employees in your organization? The underpinnings of a structured mentoring program, sponsored at the Internal Revenue Service, can show you how. Mentoring has long since been applauded for its vital cornerstone approaches that deliver extraordinary synergies and strategies that assist employees in becoming the ultimate drivers of their career. See how the IRS is "Reaching beyond the HORIZONS with mentoring opportunities."

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Using DISC for Career Development in Organizations

by Louella Jackson

This article briefly explores Dr. William Moulton Marston's theory of behavior and describes how one organization used the DiSC Personal Profile Software System as a foundation to develop and refocus a geographically dispersed team.

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360° Feedback: A Powerful Resource for Professional and Career Development

by Claudette Nowell-Philipp

Organizational 360° Feedback initiatives help employees understand the impact of their workplace behaviors. They also serve as powerful resources for career planning and for creating a strategy to maximize career opportunity.

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360° Feedback: Questions Regarding Strengths and Development

by Claudette Nowell-Philipp

The following are helpful questions that enable the employee to understand his or her 360° feedback and use it to maximize career opportunity.

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Resources to Help Military Service Members Make Successful Transitions to the Civilian Workforce

by Larry Woods

Career development facilitators and career counselors can help military service members make a smooth transition from the military to the civilian workforce by becoming familiar with the wide variety of resources that are designed for this purpose.

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Using the Workforce Investment Act and Other Resources to Foster Career Resiliency in our Youth

by Fran Abbott

How many more youth are we going to loose to the streets, substance abuse, violence, unemployment and chronic under employment, violence? As career development professionals, we know that our young people are our future.

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Facilitating a Strategic Career Learning Community through a Corporate University at a Water Company

by Diane D. Rentfrow

Today, corporate leaders look to career practitioners as strategic learning partners in their organizations. Employers want employees to learn and develop because the bank of knowledge is precision to their organizations. Constant change in the workplace makes career planning more difficult; well-defined competencies can provide guidance in career planning. Career practitioners can have an active voice in the business environment by creating and facilitating learning communities to address current issues relating to family, education and work.

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Organizational Talent Management - Why Now?

by Peggy Simonsen

Talent management involves strategies and practices to align employees' expectations with business needs of the organization. Good talent management is a benefit for both employees and organizations. There are compelling reasons organizations need to pay attention to talent, and compelling reasons for people to work for organizations that do.

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Using DiSC for Career Development in Organizations

by LouElla Jackson

Many people derail or almost derail their careers based on what others may perceive as behaviors inappropriate for the role. This article describes how some organizations use assessments based on William Moulton Marston's DISC theory to help employees, managers and executives better understand themselves and others with whom each may work.

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Sample Job Description for a Corporate Career Consultant

by Paula Kosin

Though individual positions will vary, here is a sample composite job description,
which outlines the range of responsibilities for a Corporate Career

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