Dr. Y. Barry Chung Receives 2025 APA Award
Dr. Y. Barry Chung, NCDA President 2006-2007, is the recipient of the 2025 APA Award for
Distinguished Contributions to Education and Training in Psychology.
NCDA joins the American Psychological Association (APA), the Board of Educational Affairs (BEA) and the APA Education and Training Awards Committee in offering our warmest congratulations.
Dr. Chung, the 2024 NCDA Conference Keynote Speaker, is a native of Hong Kong, received his A.M. and Ph.D. in counseling psychology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and his B.A. in educational psychology and counseling from the National Taiwan Normal University. Prior to his current appointment as Dean of the College of Education at San Diego State University, he was at Indiana University Bloomington Northeastern University, and Georgia State University. Dr. Chung’s research interests include career development, multicultural counseling, sexual orientation, and gender diversity issues. He received the NCDA Eminent Career Award in 2019, the highest honor of the Association.