NCDA Committees
Much of NCDA's work is conducted through its committees. These committees provide an opportunity for members to serve the association in a leadership position. Listed below the committee title is a brief description and the name of the committee chair. Use the chairperson's email address to express your interest in that committee's activities. All members are welcome to join committees at any time!
Want to join a Committee? Follow these steps:
Read the descriptions below.
- Review the annual Committee Report, (posted in September under each Committee below) or
review the Mid Year Reports (posted here each March). - Click on the Chairperson's name listed below to send an email expressing interest.
- Meet the Committee, if possible, at the annual NCDA Career Development Conference
- Maintain your membership in NCDA and be an active committee member!
- Serve in a leadership role, if appropriate.
Committees: use the links here to guide your activities:
Co-Chairs: Stephanie Resue and Catherine Allen
Board Liaison: Julia Makela
The Assessment, Evaluation, and Outcomes committee creates a space for those interested in diving into program assessments in practice at any level. The committee identifies and develops actionable best practices to assess and evaluate career development programs and services. It offers consultation and training to NCDA members including but not limited to: intervention effectiveness, service satisfaction, needs assessment, and various data collection methods (survey, focus group, interview).
This committee was approved by the NCDA Board on May 19, 2024.
View the Assessment Evaluation and Outcomes Committee Proposal.
Co-chairs: Ken Meeker and Delasia Rice
Board Liaison: Melissa Wheeler
The Awards Committee is responsible for publicizing and soliciting nominations for and selecting recipients of the various NCDA National Awards. Any NCDA member may nominate a candidate for an award, including themselves. The Awards Committee will also solicit and coordinate the nomination of NCDA members for ACA and other appropriate external awards.
See the Awards page for a detailed listing of NCDA Awards and nomination procedures.
Chairperson: John Wilgeroth
Board Liaison: Deneen Pennington
The Bylaws Committee shall have responsibilities for drafting proposals for amendments to these Bylaws. The committee shall carry out such other functions as may be assigned to it in these Bylaws or by the Board. Membership to this committee occurs through NCDA Board appointment only.
Editor: Melanie Reinersman
Board Liaison: Courtney Warnsman
NCDA publishes a web magazine entitled Career Convergence. The Website Magazine Editor, in coordination with Associate and Field editors, manages this magazine. The magazine is posted monthly on the NCDA website and is available to the general public. All members are encouraged to apply for Associate and Field editor positions, as well as contribute articles. Submission Guidelines can be found in the online magazine.
Career Convergence Mid-Year Report - March 2024
Career Convergence Annual Report 2023-2024
Editor: Melinda Gibbons
Board Liaison: Galaxina Wright
The Career Development Quarterly (CDQ) is the official journal of NCDA. The editor is responsible for editing and preparing four issues of the CDQ per year, preparing an annual report and budget statement for the NCDA Board, and for coordinating business functions of the CDQ with ACA officials including plans for expansion of subscriptions. The members on the Editorial Board of the CDQ are recommended by the editor and approved by the board. They serve three-year terms, with one third of the members appointed each year. The Editorial Board is responsible for editorial policy and content of the CDQ.
Editor: Melissa Venable
Board Liaison: Deneen Pennington
This NCDA members-only print magazine is a themed publication offering articles that balance a broad vision with practical applications. Published four times per year, each issue offers a focused article on a select theme, a feature article on a prominent NCDA event, specific content for five departments, and four regular columns.
Career Developments Mid-Year Report - March 2024
Career Developments Annual Report 2023-2024
Co-Chairpersons: Ruben Britt and Natasha Barnes
Board Liaison: Markell Morris
Interested in joining DICI?
The Committee on Diversity Initiatives and Cultural Inclusion works to raise awareness and promote equity and access within the membership and leadership of the National Career Development Association (NCDA). We seek to create an inclusive organization where diversity is viewed from an intersectional perspective, acknowledging the ways in which race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, age, gender identity & expression, mental and physical (dis)ability, sexual orientation, religion, and other identity categories exist along axes of power, privilege, and oppression. The committee aims to provide resources and training to educate and empower members regarding best practices related to diversity in career development practice and research and to serve as a hub for diversity conversations and initiatives within NCDA.
DICI Mid Year Report March 2024
Co-Chairs: David Reile & Conquaya James
Board Liaison: Kathy Evans
The Ethics Committee is responsible for: (a) educating the membership as to the Association's Ethical Standards, Code of Ethics; (b) making suggestions to the NCDA Board for the modification or development of ethics related documents and procedures; (c) responding to questions about ethical standards and the ethical behavior of NCDA members; and (d) investigating (if called upon by the ACA Ethics Committee or the NCDA Board) complaints of alleged violations of the ethical standards of ACA and NCDA and referring complaints to ACA for adjudication, if necessary.
Members experiencing an ethical dilemma may reach out to the Ethics Committee to ask for assistance regarding the dilemma.
Ethics Committee Mid-Year Report - March 2024
Ethics Committee Annual Report 2023-2024
Chair: Marcela Mesa Guerrero Co-Chair: Sonja Robinson Co-Chair Elect: Sepideh Kiazal
Board Liaison: Jim Peacock
NCDA’s Global Connections Committee (GCC) strives to foster cross-cultural understanding and provide opportunities for professional growth. GCC members create a welcoming space for practitioners who have expressed interest and concern about international practices in global career development by exchanging and gaining new knowledge from each other. GCC endorses inclusive and equitable career development environments, where people worldwide are empowered to thrive and all voices are heard.
2024-25 GCC Leadership Team and Meeting Schedule
January 22, 2025 Meeting Announcement
GCC Mid-Year Report - March 2024
Co- Chairs: Elle O'Flaherty & Sarah JanTausch
Board Liaison: Carolyn Jones
This Committee is responsible for: (a) sensitizing NCDA members to current and pending school and educational issues that warrant legislative action; (b) promoting, developing, and monitoring federal legislation relevant to career development services; (c) providing state division presidents with information necessary to act locally upon national legislation, appropriations, and related matters; and (d) extending the professional contacts of NCDA/ACA members to persons outside the profession who are equally concerned with legislation affecting career development services. Visit the Advocacy section of the NCDA website for more information.
Government Relations Mid-Year Report - March 2024
Government Relations Annual Report 2023-2024
Chair: Ramon Moon and Delasia Rice
Board Liaison: Markell Morris
This new committee, managed by graduate student members, will provide engagement and professional development opportunities for NCDA’s graduate student members. The committee will work on increasing membership, create initiatives geared towards graduate students, and develop programs to help increase graduate student members' knowledge of the field of career development. Read more about NCDA and graduate students.
Graduate Student Committee Annual Report 2023-2024
International Student Services Committee
Co-Chairs: Ellen Goldman and Leigh Oliveras
Board Liaison: Jim Peacock
The NCDA International Student Services Committee aims to increase the understanding of career development experiences and the needs of international students. The committee provides resources and best practice examples to the NCDA members and career development professionals who work with international students in the U.S. Involving a diverse team of dedicated career services practitioners who work with international students on a daily basis, this group advocates for the enhancement of culturally competent career development services, programs and resources that help international students create meaningful career paths in the U.S. and beyond. (Promoted from Task Force to Committee in 2015.)
The NCDA International Student Career Development Professionals LinkedIn Group is a virtual forum to support and promote interaction among a network of career development professionals serving international students in higher education.
Resources for International Students - this guide includes resources for career counseling and career services professionals to support career development of International students (for NCDA members only - please login and visit Members Only Resources).
One page Resource Handout for International Students (updated 2022)
NCDA Supports International Students -NCDA/ISSC Statement
NEW! ISSC YouTube Channel for International Student Career Development
ISSC Mid-Year Report - March 2024
International Student Services Committee Annual Report 2023-2024
Chair: Rae Ann Stout and Sujata Ives
Board Liaison: Carla Cheatham
This is a very active committee, whose members are selected through an application process rather than self-selected, and whose purpose is to manage the Leadership Academy by establishing or revising policies and procedures, by reviewing applications and selecting participants, by coordinating L.A. training and other activities for the participants, and by communicating with the participants of both the incoming and outgoing classes throughout the year.
LADC Mid-Year Report - March 2024
Co-Chairs: Heather Robertson and Mary Edwin
Board Liaison: Courtney Warnsman
The Membership Committee is responsible for developing a national membership campaign reflecting and supporting the significance of NCDA within the professional career development field. The committee is responsible for developing a comprehensive membership development plan reflecting strategies for a membership recruitment and retention program, suggestions for the development of membership materials, communicating value to members, and coordinating with the executive board and marketing department to disseminate information highlighting the purpose, activities, publications, and benefits of membership in NCDA.
Membership Committee Mid-Year Report - March 2024
Membership Committee Annual Report 2023-2024
Co-Chairs: Kimberly Cartledge and Cornelius Thomas
Board Liaison: Carla Cheatham
This Committee coordinates a national brochure reflecting the importance of career development as a practical resource for professionals in promoting the concept of career development. Each year the committee recommends a theme for NCD Month as part of the nationwide observance of career development. The committee designs the contest, brochure, and assists with the publicity activities at professional association conferences.
NCD Month Mid-Year Report - March 2024
National Career Development Month Committee Annual Report 2023-2024
Chairperson: (position open)
Board Liaison: Julia Makela
The Council coordinates the development of high quality publications that meet member needs, advances the field of career development, and increases the number of publications generating income for NCDA. The PDC will consider manuscripts submitted according to the "Procedures for Submitting a Product Development Proposal" (All PDC members participate in the review using the PDC Review Sheet for a Product Development Proposal). NCDA does not accept published works for resale.
PDC Mid-Year Report - March 2024
Chairperson: Deb Osborn Co-chairs: Jon Borland and Brian Calhoun
Board Liaison: Galaxina Wright
The Research Committee provides oversight to any research NCDA conducts, is asked to participate in, or awards grants to. Such oversight may include coordination of samples, surveys, etc.; screening research proposals for NCDA grants; suggesting research topics for NCDA members; and identifying career research needs.
Review the Requests for Research Participation if you are looking for NCDA members as subjects.
The NCDA Research Grant Recipients report includes the name of the researcher who received the award in the past, the title and description and where possible, a link to the research itself. Typical awards average $300-500. This report reveals important data on how NCDA has invested in career research and may help the board consider where and how to invest to further NCDA's mission. The Research Committee appreciates the collaboration with the Awards Committee in selecting the grant winners.
Chairpersons: Angie Thompson
Board Liaison: Deanna Knighton
The NCDA Technology Committee provides recommendations to the Board on technology development, concerns and issues relevant to NCDA as an organization and its members. The objectives of the committee are:
- To report to the NCDA organization and Board and provide feedback about technology with distinctions between efficient and effective use
- To assist NCDA in identifying online platforms for members to participate in networking and professional development
- To maintain a database of knowledge experts who conduct training and development on technology in career development
- To develop systems to distribute guidelines and techniques on the use of technology in career development
- To cross-collaborate with other NCDA committees on the integration of technology, as appropriate.
Technology Committee Mid-Year Report - March 2024
Tech Committee Annual Year Report 2021-22
Chair: Pam Ehlers
Board Liaison:Bret Anderson
The National Career Development Association Board of Directors formed the Training and Education Council (TEC) in 2018 to provide oversight and advisement for NCDA’s training programs including Facilitating Career Development (FCD), Career Practitioner Supervision (CPS), and the School Career Development Advisor (SCDA) Training Programs. The TEC rotates a minimum of 2 members each year. Each council member serves a 3-year term.
TEC Mid Year Report March 2024
Chairs: Triva Sander, Co-Chairs: Elizabeth Williams & Melva Washington
Board Liaison: Bret Anderson
The Veterans Task Force was formed in mid-2011 to provide a forum for discussion of veterans’ career and employment issues within NCDA. Initial goals of the task force are: 1) To establish a means for NCDA members interested in veterans’ issues to communicate with each other; 2) To advise the association on projects related to veterans; 3) To encourage presentations on veterans’ issues at the annual conference and other professional development opportunities; 4) To encourage research and publication of articles on career development issues related to veterans; and 5) To provide resources on veterans’ issues for NCDA members (see the Bibliography Of Military Career Transition Research 2000 – Present ). The task force has instituted a LinkedIn discussion group.
Veterans Committee Mid Year Report 24
Veterans Annual Report 2023-2024